Sturm Und Drang

Sturm und Drang: A German Literary Movement

The Birth of Romanticism

Sturm und Drang, a German literary movement that arose in the late 18th century, was characterized by its emphasis on emotion, individualism, and the power of nature. As a forerunner to Romanticism, it sought to break away from the strictures of the Enlightenment and its focus on reason and order.

Key Characteristics

Sturm und Drang writers often depicted characters torn between the demands of society and their own inner passions. They celebrated the individual's right to express themselves freely, regardless of the consequences. The movement also exalted nature, seeing it as a source of both beauty and inspiration.

Prominent Figures

Among the most influential figures associated with Sturm und Drang were Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich Schiller, and Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz. Goethe's play "Götz von Berlichingen" and Schiller's "The Robbers" epitomized the movement's themes of rebellion and individualism.

Legacy and Impact

Sturm und Drang had a profound impact on subsequent literary movements, particularly Romanticism. Its emphasis on emotion, passion, and the individual paved the way for a new era of artistic expression that would dominate the 19th century.


Sturm und Drang was a pivotal moment in German literary history, marking a break from the Enlightenment and a turn towards the embrace of emotional and subjective experience. Its legacy continues to inspire writers and artists to this day.

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